Colorado South Single Adults

Welcome to Colorado South Single Adults (CSSA), website for Southern Colorado Single Adult Events, 

(ages 36+ which means 36 -Eternity) , for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


Fountain Stake Representatives:

Becky Smith

Phone: 1(719) 722 - 5303 


Yennifer Anaya

Phone: 1 (719)208-2013


Upcoming SA All Single Adults (36 & older) Events

(See Separate Page for Events for Mid-Singles, Ages 35-50) 

Attention All Single Adults (ages 36 +)(which mean 36 & Older)

Are you interested in socializing with other Single Adult in a clean wholesome environment in your area? 

Then Visit (  for the latest updates on activities in your area.

Want to be added to an email list on the latest updates and reminders?

Send an email request to

Want to stay up to date with group Activities? Join Facebook Groups:

All Singles Adults (36 & Older)

Mid-Singles (36 -50):

CSSA Flyer: Ward Single Reps!  Please fellowship the single's in your wards & Forward these email's or make copies as flyers to add on your Ward's Bulletin boards or hand out to the Singles in your ward. Make announce in your wards if asked if there are any announcements.  

Recurring Unless Conflict/Closure 

(additional details in rest of website)

Singles Activity Night     

Dr Seuss Theme /Single Awareness 

Friday, Feb 21, 2025   7 - 8PM Dinner    

Please bring anything you can think of that has to 

do with Dr Seuss or Singles Awareness

Try to make your homemade

Hot Cider & Cocoa to enter into the Competition

Sister Missionaries will be the judge!!

Large Games!! Shuffle Board, Corn Hole, & jumbo Jenga

If have a large game you're welcome to bring them!

Fountain Stake Center 

1310 Aeroplaza Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80916

8:30 - 10:30PM Games/Activity

All singles in all Stakes are invited as are your supervised children!

Come join an evening of wholesome conversations, building Friendships, while having fun playing games, listening to music, & Dinner!

Annual All Singles Adult's Multi Region Valentine's Dinner & Dance

Saturday, Feb 22, 2025 6PM - 11PM

3800 Mountain Lion Dr., Loveland, CO 80507 - 8835

Enjoy a Prime Rib Dinner while you make memories 

socializing with friends and making new ones.

Dinner starts at 6PM 

Dance Starts at 7:30-11:PM

Dress to impress (Formal) is encouraged, 

Re-experience the timeless memories 

of Music through the Ages! 

With DJ Christian Dunn & Photo Booth!

Singles From All over Colorado & Wyoming.

Hope to see you there!!

Singles Temple Night 

March 7, 2025

Please make reservation for the time slot if able. 

7:PM & 7:30PM sessions. 

Make sure to arrive at least 30 mins early.

(Denver Temple) 2001 E. Phillips Cir, Centennial, CO 80122 

Occasionally, treats may be provided at a nearby stake center. 

Carpooling and going to eat before or after can also be Arrange. 

Single Adult Luncheon  

Saturday, March 08, 2025  11:30AM

Pei Wei    7148 N. Academy 

Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Please RSVP to Marie Welch by Thursday, March 06, 2025

Call or text: 719-330-4843 or email 

She does not have a facebook account.