About Us

Welcome to the official site of the Colorado South Singles Adults (CSSA) Multi-Stake Committee of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

Colorado South Single Adults Multi-Stake area is currently comprised of the following Stakes in Southern Colorado:

If you are looking for the Denver Colorado Single Adults Multi-Stake Program website, then try: 

Basic rules when attending CSSA events:

By default, all Single Adult LDS members and their invited guests, who may or may not all be members of our faith, who are willing to abide by church standards, are welcomed to participate in CSSA activities regardless if their Stake is part of our Multi-Stake program or not.  Member's who can supervise their children and teens are welcomed to bring them to our many family friendly events, but contact us or the event sponsors if you are not sure which events are family friendly. Divorces must be final before you can attend as a Single Adult. 

All Singles, Mid-Singles, Single Adults, and Upper Single Adults Event Categories Explained:

Most CSSA events are set up for all Single Adults ages 36 and above, but there are the occasional events that are tailored for Single Adults of certain age grouping. This grouping is more for the benefit of the activity than the participants. For example, Bungee jumping would likely be targeted to the Mid-Single, but as in all events, if a 100 year old single believes they can successfully participate they should call the sponsor of the event and ask to attend. Another example, a Mid-Single may want to attend an event on estate planning targeted to the Upper SA. Most event sponsors are flexible so ask. According to the Church Handbook, Single Adults are all ages 36 and above. 

Young Single Adults (i.e. 30's) transitioning from YSA to SA/Mid-Singles are also welcomed to join our events. FYI: Some older YSA with children and teens sometimes find SA events are a better fit for their needs. Transitioning YSA new to SA/MS events find it helpful to contact the event sponsor so they have someone to meet, introduce them, and not feel uninvited.

Again, unless specified, all Church SA events are open to all SA in the Church so do not get hung up on age minutia. Sociality (fun), service, and friendship are our paramount goals. 

Contact Us:

Do you want to know more? 

Have suggestions for the CSSA planning committee?

If you or your Stake would like to receive CSSA announcements by email, or a bulletin board version of our calendar events, you or your Stake leaders can contact:

Other Contact Information:

The following Stakes in southern Colorado are "MIA" and need to contact us with their SA information: